According to a report received from Hana’s colleagues, members of the Board of Directors of the Kurdistan Teachers’ Trade Union Association and a number of trade union activists were summoned to the Kurdistan Province Justice Department of the Second Investigation Branch of the General and Revolutionary Prosecutor’s Office of Sanandaj City.
According to the news received from Sanandaj, members of the Board of Directors of the Kurdistan Teachers' Union "Fateme Zandkarimi, Koresh Ezzati, Salah Haji Mirzaei, Rezgar Heydari, Mohammad Reza Moradi, Mokhtar Asadi, Faisal Nouri, Nasreen Karimi, Majid Karimi and several teachers' union activists in this city, with the names of "Sadegh Kanani, Reza Tahmasabi, Ghiyath Nemati and Aram Ebrahimi" in connection with the accusations of "propaganda against the Islamic Republic of Iran" were referred to the Kurdistan General Justice Department of the Second Branch of the General and Revolutionary Prosecutor's Office of Sanandaj for the last defense.
In the content of the subpoena issued on July 11, 2022, by the second investigation branch of the Sanandaj General and Revolutionary Prosecutor's Office, it is stated that five days after being entered in the system, they must be present at the mentioned place for the last defence regarding the accusations, otherwise This case is decided according to the regulations.
It should be noted that these citizens were summoned in connection with the recent teachers' protests in Kurdistan.