Diwandareh; The death of one of the protestors in Diwandareh

The death of one of the protestors against the government killing of Zhina Amini in Diwandareh, with the identity of “Mohsen Mohammadi”, the son of Masoud, who was injured in the protest rallies, died in Kawsar Hospital in Sanandaj .

Following the murder of a Kurdish girl from Saqqez, in Tehran, named Mehsa (Zhina) Amini, who was arrested on Tuesday, September 13, 2022, by Irshad patrol forces in Tehran, and was in a coma for 3 days due to beatings and blows on her head. She died on Friday, September 16, and people started street protests in the cities of Kurdistan. As a result of these protests, some Kurdish citizens were arrested and some were injured and some has been killed. 


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