Identity of fourteen people whom were arrested by the security forces has been revealed.

A while ago our sources reported 14 arrests in the last week which were arrested by the security forces in Kurdistan.


News sources reported : Tuesday the 19th of January 2021 security forces in Lagiz and Abbas Abad to villages in the Province of Bokan arrested 11 Kurdish citizens their identities are ; Zanko Mohammedpoor ,Mohammed Zandi ,Farhad Zandi ,Reza Zandi ,Salah Haji Rasul ,Hamed Rasulpoor ,Ayob Rasulpoor ,Hussain Rasulpoor ,Mohammed Amin Rasulpoor ,Rashid Ahmadi.

In another report by our sources on Thursday the 21st of January 2021 another Kurdish citizen was arrested in front of his house in Bokan he was later identified and his name was Muhedin Shama.

We need to mention in the last few days there has been 10 citizen arrests in Bokan city ,eight of them were arrested on the 19th of January.

News sources in Sanandaj city reported another arrest the citizen’s name was Abdullah Farzand.

Our source in the city of Saqez also reported on Thursday the 21st of January another citizen was arrested his name is Atta Rahman and he was arrested for wearing traditional Kurdish clothing in response to an insult by the host of a  national television program. Mr. Atta was arrested in halo square by the security forces of the city.

Mr. Atta was arrested previously in 2018 for supporting the referendum of southern Kurdistan and served one year prison sentence .

According to the statistics of International network of Kurdistan Iran human Rights in the January of 2021 more than 76 Kurdish citizens have been arrested by the Iranian security forces.


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