Five Kurdish Kolbars were killed by an avalanche in the heights of Uromia

As a result of the avalanche in the border heights of Urmia, at least 5 Kulbars lost their lives and the search for their bodies continues.

According to a report that reached the Human Rights Organization on Monday, January 18, 2021, at least 5 Kulbares from Urmia lost their lives due to avalanches while cultivating in the border heights of this city.

The authenticated identities of these five Kulbars are Awlaei Xodaei, Frat Xodaei, Matin Aslani, Belen Ahmadi, and Yavar Aslani.

According to local sources, the five Kulbars were trumpet in an avalanche in the Turkish Kurdistan village of Drishk, the Turkish military had prevented residents of the village of Koran from helping them, and their bodies had not yet been found.

These five Kulbars were fellow residents of Koran village in Urmia.


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