Iranian regime in continuation of their political policies towards a destructive plan against the environment of and creating a climate change in the Kurdish populated areas, the regime is currently working and started new plans in excuse of renewing the Orumiyeh lake
An informed source reported to the International Network of Iranian Kurdistan Human Rights :
The Islamic Republic in the last 41 years of ruling in Iran has made significant changes including destroying natural resources and environmental changes until recently they have tried destroying different species of animals including aquatic animals by deforestation and desertification in the Iranian plateau and Oman sea. Iranian officials have given access to the Chinese to proceed with their plans to dehydrate the rivers and lakes specifically the Orumiyeh lake.
The plot has started with renewing the lake and transferring water from Piranshahr river, Sardasht river and Oshnavia river in the west to the eastern side of Iran and the goal is to change the climate from a cold and moist environment to sultry which causes dryness and economic coercion to the Kurdistan landmass.
Sardasht and Oshnavia must join forces against this transgression of the Islamic republic to preserve the nature of Kurdistan.