Killing aKolber

International network of Iranian Kurdistan human rights statistical report of the killing a Kolbar in Kurdistan in last week 2020-04-19 The causes of death of this Kolber straight shoot and without warning to the Kolber, the mortality of falls from height, avalanche, drowning in rivers, frostbite, etc. In the below presented the statistics of killed and getting injured of a Kolber by the IRGC and other armed forces of the Iranian regime in the border areas of Kurdistan. (April 6-15)


At first, it should be a reminder, due to the severe censorship of social media and news networks and uninterrupted repression of the regime on social media activists, unexisting the independent media, collecting and publish all the cases of human rights violations in Iran and Kurdistan is not possible and cannot be an obvious reflection of the human rights situation in Iran. One of the main reasons for the tendency of Kurdish citizens especially educated persons, athletes, and even girls and women to the  Kolber job, can be named, the security and political view of the Iranian regime on Kurdistan, lack of economic infrastructure, non-use of native forces, unemployment and etc. Also, the causes of death of Kolbers can be mentioned as through the straight shoot and without warning to the Kolbers and businessmen, the mortality of falls from height, avalanche, drowning in rivers, frostbite, etc. In the below presented the statistics of killed and getting injured of the Kolbers by the IRGC and other armed forces of the Iranian regime in the border areas of Kurdistan. (April 6 to 15)

1. Monday, April 6, straight shoot and without warning of the armed forces of the Iranian regime to the groups of kolbers, at border heights in a place by Allah Akbar’s Heights name, three Kolbers were killed and wounded. The identity of the killed Kolber, who lost his life, was “Borhan Jeniyanlou” who is married and the father of two children.

2. Thursday, April 9, the dead body of the young Kolber by the identity of “Asgar Mohammadi”, in border areas, Nabi Kand Village of Chaldiran County environs discovered by the native citizens. Unfortunately, he is lost his life due to frostbite.

3. Saturday, April 11, the armed agents dependent on the IRGC, in the heights of Baneh County, IRGC forces shooted bullets at the group of the Kolbers, and one of the Kolbers by the identity of ” Sheykhe Ahmadpour” a resident of Manijan village of Namshir district environs has been lost his life.


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