Marriage of more than 7,300 girls under the age of 14 in autumn 2020 in Iran

The figures were provided by Aram Mohammadi for Aso News

According to the latest report published by the Statistics Center of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in the fall of 1399, 7317 girls under the age of 18 got married.This statistic is while in the same period, at least 200 divorce statistics have been registered in different ages less than 6 years, and also more than 1000 births have been registered for mothers under 10 years old.Despite all efforts to stop or prevent forced marriages, which mostly occur in Iran under the age of 18, unfortunately, we still see child marriage.In a situation where the child of a spouse in Iran, under the banner of religion and the lack of law has increased significantly, but under the laws and provisions of international conventions on the rights of the child, child marriage is prohibited.
And it is under the absence of a protection law, unnecessary and unprofessional interventions of jurists and imitators, economic and livelihood poverty, patriarchy, cultural determinism, low level of awareness and literacy of parents, etc., continue.
In this context, it is necessary to point out the psychological, physical and medical consequences of such marriages, as well as the many problems that children face when they become pregnant.
Due to the inappropriate interference of government affiliates, the number of child marriages is increasing every year, and so far no deterrent law has been drafted or taken by the parliament and the government of the Iranian regime to prevent this phenomenon.  And is the imposition of jurisprudential and religious issues.

So far, countless resistances against not increasing the number of married children is one of the reasons for the resistance of policymakers and members of the Islamic Republic, and other cases include irrational, immoral and religious human sensitivities.
Conclusion: One of the main reasons for the increasing child marriage and underage marriage in Iran is the lack of culture-building by the government,the lack of law and its incorrect implementation, the insignificant role of defined punishments, etc., and such cases have led to the slaughter of children dreams, and this issue has ultimately led to the growth of widows in all parts of Iran.


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