The fourteenth session of the Assembly on Ethnic Minority Issues was held at the UN Headquarters in Geneva

On December 2 and 3, the 14th Assembly on Minority Issues was held at the UN Headquarters in Geneva, as well as online through the Zoom Platform with the participation of a large number of representatives of human rights and ethnic organizations.


The theme of this year's forum was "Prevention of Conflict and Protection of Minorities' Human Rights." The association organized a thematic roundtable discussion on four topics:
1. Root causes of contemporary conflicts involving minorities.
2- Legal and institutional frameworks: Human rights of minorities and conflict prevention.
3- Focusing on the rights of minorities and effective prevention of conflicts.
4. Towards lasting peace: Positive initiatives to better protect the rights of minorities to prevent conflict.
The fourteenth session of the Association was inaugurated and chaired by the UN Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues, Dr. Fernand de Varennes, and was chaired by Dr. Victoria Dunda of Argentina.
During the two days of the Association meeting, in addition to representatives from countries involved in minority issues, representatives from minority groups in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East attended and discussed issues related to the country's ethnic minorities and proposed solutions.
It should be noted that representatives of Iran's ethnic minorities attended the meeting, including Kurds, Baluchis, Azeris, Arabs and Turkmen.
A representative from the Hana Human Rights Organization also attended the meeting.
The fourteenth session of the Assembly on Minority Issues ended two days later

Hana Human Rights Organization
 December 4, 2021


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