Baneh / 3 Kurdish Kolbers killed and wounded by Border Regiment forces

Adel Alipour 19 years old was killed by the border regiment forces

Hana: On Tuesday (November 30, 2021), 3 border porter known as Kolber were identified as "Fereydoun Mohammadi", 33 years old, son of Hussein "from the village of" Goyizli "from the city of Baneh," Yasin Aminpour ", 40 years old and" Adel Alipour " 19 years old from the village of "Sarsul" in the city of "Baneh" were wounded and killed by the forces of the Border Regiment without warning before firing directly at these Kolbers.

According to reports received; Fereydoun Mohammadi was severely wounded in the leg while Kolbering on the border of "Hangajal" in the city of "Baneh". At the same day Adel Alipour and Yassin Aminpour during Kolberi at Choman borter in Baneh, were shot by border regimental forces, killing Adel Alipour 19 years old and wounding Yassin Aminpour. Yassin Aminpour and Fereydoun Mohammadi are being treated at Salahuddin Ayoubi Hospital in Baneh for medical treatment.


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