Hana: A few minutes ago, the Ashnoyeh Revolutionary Guards, with full military equipment and dozens of vehicles full of troops, conducted a military maneuver for more than a few hours inside the village of Qarasaqal.
Hana's correspondent continued the report: The IRGC forces carried out this maneuver in order to create fear and panic among the people during Nowruz and New Year ceremonies in this village.
It should be noted that the forces of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards had previously attacked the village with heavy equipment, including bombs and mortars, and destroyed a large part of this historic village.
The village of Qarasaqal is located in the historical region of Qara Qasl and is one of the historical regions of Kurdistan, which dates back to the Neolithic period – Copper and Stone Age – Bronze Age – first millennium BC – 10-12 centuries AH. . This area is located in Ashnoyeh city, Nalous district and the glorious Nowruz ceremony is held in that village every year.