Hana Human Rights Organization
The following is a monthly report on the suicide situation in Iranian Kurdistan, which was produced during the first quarter of 2021 with the efforts of the statistics department of Hana Human Rights Organization.
Hana Human rights organization has the possibility that it has not covered all suicide incidents due to security restrictions, but as much as possible and with the efforts of Hana's colleagues, most reports have been recorded.
A short overview:
News of suicide in Iranian Kurdistan in the first quarter of 2021 includes 17 cases as follows:
In the first quarter of 2021, a total of 17 gendered 11 women and six men attempted suicide, according to Hana's colleagues.
According to these reports, 12 of the victims attempted suicide due to poverty and social problems.
According to these statistics, based on geographical divisions, out of 17 victims, 7 or 41.2% were in Sanandaj province, 6 were or 35.3% in Kermanshah province and 4 in Urmia province, which is equivalent to 23.5% of the total statistics.
The provinces of Ilam, Kermanshah, Sanandaj, Urmia and parts of Lorestan and Hamedan are all very good conditions in terms of economic and industrial potentials that if they pay attention, many social and cultural problems of these areas will be resolved and we will no longer see this very high number of suicides in these areas, because the highest number of suicides occurs annually in Iran in western regions of Iran or in other words in Iranian Kurdistan.