Statistics on the human rights situation in January 2022 in Iranian Kurdistan

43 people were arrested in Kurdistan in January

Hana: The Statistics Center of the Hana Human Rights Organization will publish its statistical report on the human rights situation and the violation of the fundamental rights of Kurdish citizens in January 2022 in Iranian Kurdistan. (Wherever the name of Kurdistan is mentioned, it refers to the provinces of Kermanshah, Ilam, Sanandaj (Kurdistan), Urmia (West Azerbaijan).) Due to the lack of free access to news and events inside the country, these statistics cannot include all violations of citizens' rights, but all the efforts of Hana Human Rights Organization's colleagues inside the country are in this regard so that the utmost care has been taken in the insertion of news and verification of the published cases.

According to statistics recorded by the Statistics Center of the Hanna Human Rights Organization, at least 43 Kurdish citizens were arrested in January, 2022.  In January, four people were executed, seventeen Kolbers were killed and injured, two workers were killed in work accidents, at least four people were injured by a landmine, and three committed suicide.
During January, 2022,  at least 43 Kurdish citizens were arbitrarily detained by the security services of the Islamic Republic of Iran without any arrest warrant issued by the court.
The identities of all of them have been established for Hana, most of whom have been arrested on charges of political activity and collaborating with Kurdish opposition parties in the Islamic Republic, as well as civil and environmental activities. According to these statistics, out of the total number of detainees, 33 were for political activity, 2 were for civil activity, 2 were for environmental activists, 3 were for student and teacher activists, 1 was women activists, and 2 were labor activists.
According to Hana statistics, in January 2022, four Kurdish citizens were executed in Iranian prisons, three of whom were sentenced to death for premeditated murder and one for drug-related crimes.
In January, a 7-year-old girl was shot dead by police in the Islamic Republic.
According to Hana statistics, in January 2022, 17 Kurdish Kolbers and businessmen were killed and wounded, five of whom died and 12 others were injured. Of these, nine were killed or wounded by direct fire from the armed forces of the Islamic Republic. The highest number of Kolber casualties is related to the border towns and villages of Kurdistan.
In January, 2022, at least three women were detained by security forces. Of these, one was arrested for civil activities, one for activities in the field of women, and one for political reasons and cooperation with the Kurdish opposition parties.
Suicide :
According to statistics recorded by the Hana Statistics Center, at least three people committed suicide in the cities and villages of Kurdistan in January. These suicides were due to livelihood reasons and family disputes.
Mine blast:
According to statistics recorded by the Hana Statistics Center, in January 2022, at least 4 civilians were injured on the borders of Kurdistan due to landmines and explosives left over from the Iran-Iraq war.
Most of the victims of these mines were Kurdish traders and farmers.
According to statistics recorded at the Hana Statistics Center in January, 2022, at least 2 Kurdish workers lost their lives due to work-related accidents and lack of safety at work, and many were injured. Two labor activists have also been arrested. .
The environment:
In January, environmental activists came under pressure from security forces, arresting two of them.

Hana Human Rights Organization Statistics Center
February, 1, 2022

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