Uromiah; Cyberspace users reported that 2 women were trampled by a car under the pretext of not wearing a hijab

Hana; Some cyberspace users in Uromiah reported the attack on two women in the street under the pretext of not wearing hijab.


Users reported; The driver of a Persia car with a female passenger, after giving a "hijab warning" to two young women on Kashani Street in Uromiah, they ran over the two women by a Persia's car,  and then escaped, and one of the two critically injured female passers-by was taken to a hospital.

In Iran, hijab is compulsory for women, and women who disobey this compulsory law will face punishment from government agencies, and violence against women who do not wear the hijab will not be punished under Iranian law under the grounds that they do 'good and forbention of evil'.


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