Hana: According to reports published by Kolbar News on Saturday, May 28, 2022, government forces and local people who for the several time during this period
searching to find two other missing border courier known as Kolbars named "Asad Seydanifard" and "Behlool Seydanifard" Finally, after 135 days of being unaware, the body of the second missing Kolbar, Behlool Seydanifard, was found in the village of Golsham in Turkey under snow and ice.
Meanwhile, on Saturday, May 7, 2022, the body of the first missing Kolbar, a young man from the village of Bavan in the Marghur region of Urmia, named Barzan Mihani, 18-year-old , was found under snow and ice.
The three Kolbars are "Asad Sidani-Fard", the son of Rahim, who is married and has three children, "Behlool Sidani-Fard", the son of Karim, who is married and has three children, and "Barzan Mihani", 18, the son of Shaukat. All three people from the village of "Bavan" in the Marghur region of Urmia had disappeared in the snow and blizzard of the "Banar" valley at noon on Thursday, January 23, 2022. After 135 days, there is still no information about the fate of the last missing Kolbar, Asaad Sidani-Fard.
As of this writing, locals and government forces are still searching for the body of last kolbar, who went missing on the Iranian-Turkish border 135 days ago.