Rising bread prices in Sanandaj

Bread prices rose after bakery workers protested, according to a report from Hana Human Rights Organization.


According to this report; The new rate of bread in Sanandaj is the same as the rate of bread in Kermanshah province: based on new decisions and rates, the rate of Lavash bread  from 300 Tomans to 400 Tomans; Sangak subsidy 1 has increased from 1300 tomans to 1700 tomans and Sangak subsidy 2 has increased  to 2 thousand tomans.
The current trend is likely to remove bread from people's tables, as the increase in the price of bread while some people are having difficulty preparing it , according to the government website Rokna, Iran has been ranked first in the world's misery index.

However, the people and especially the workers are complaining about the pain and suffering and at least their rights, and they are holding rallies in various ways to protest the current situation, which is also one of the legitimate protests of the working community, but Instead of solving the root of the problem, the government is trying to solve it by raising the price of bread.


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