Aoraman: 40-year-old Kurdish Kulber was killed by Iranian military forces

Hana: On the morning of Wednesday (June 23, 2021), A 40-year-old man was shot and killed by Iranian military forces while in Kolbari.

The incident took place in the Tata border highlands of Oraman, when Iranian troops fired directly at a group of Kolbars.
"Fahim Rostamzadeh" is the identity of the Kolbar been killed..

Kolbari is a phenomenon of poverty and unemployment in the regions of Kurdistan that the people of Kurdistan are forced to take refuge in. Despite the danger of landmines, falling from heights and frostbite, these collaborators are being shot or tortured by Iranian forces, as well as Turkish and Iraqi forces, on the pretext of carrying smuggled goods.

This situation of the people of Kurdistan is a clear violation of the rights of every human being, for which the government of that country is primarily responsible, as stated in part of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:


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