Statistics of those arrested in the first quarter of the year 2021
Every year, a large number of our compatriots in the cities and villages of Iranian Kurdistan in all four provinces are detained by law enforcement and security forces for various reasons and excuses. They have been detained outside of international law for long periods of time, without being dealt with in a court of law and in the presence of a lawyer.
Here, with the efforts of the colleagues of the Statistics Department of the Hana Human Rights Organization, statistics on the number of detainees in the first quarter of the year 2021 have been prepared.
It should be noted that this statistic was the ultimate effort of Hana colleagues in the country, but it is likely that the statistic will be more than this number.
The number and percentage of detainees based on the type of activity are as follows:
121 people charged with political activity (87.7%)
9 people charged with civil and social activities (6.5%)
4 people accused of women's rights activities (2.9%)
2 people in the field of environmental activity (1.4%)
1 person in the field of labor (.7%)
1 person in student and academic activities (٪ ٠7)
Also, out of the 138 people arrested in this quarter, 123 detainees are male and 15 detainees are female based on gender.
Based on the provincial breakdown, the number of detainees in the first quarter of 2021 prepared by the Hana organization; It is as follows:
81 people in Urmia province
49 people in Sanandaj province
8 people in Kermanshah province