12 Kolbers were injured in Nosud

Hana; On Friday, July 29, 2022, five Kurdish border courier known as Kolber named “Abdulsalam Fatahizadeh” from Javanroud city, “Haider Khodkame” from Paveh, “Delaver Faramarzi”, “Kosar Khosravi” and “Ali Bahrami” from the village of ” “Tin” from Paveh County, were wounded in the legs, waist and face after the direct firing of border regiment forces in the heights of “Nosud”.

On the same day, seven other Kolbers named "Nima Heydari" , "Saeed Mehrabani" , "Shayan Zhamtkesh" from the village of "Tin" and "Abdel Abdi" from the village of "Nuriab", "Osamah Mohammadi" 17 years old from Salas Babajani, "Layeq Ismailpour" and "Javad Faramarzi" from Paveh, were injured by falling from a height during the pursuit by the border regiment forces in the heights of "Nosud".

It is worth mentioning that the injured Kolbers were taken to medical centers for treatment.


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