At least 180 labor and trade union activists have been detained since May 2021 till May 2022.

Hana: The Statistics Center of the Hana Human Rights Organization has collected data and statistics related to the arrest and detention of labor, civil, student and trade union activists in various parts of Iranian Kurdistan.  This statistic has been prepared with the efforts of Hana’s colleagues.

 In this section, statistics on arrests in the last year till now are presented:
28 of these people are female in terms of gender.
 Out of a total of 180 people,
 There were 90 civil activists, 22 labor activist, 25 cultural activist and 6 student activist among the detainees.
 In the past year, at least 59 workers have lost their lives due to work accidents and lack of safety and security equipment, and many have been injured, the exact number of injured is unknown.
 The names and details of the detainees are available on the Hana Statistics Center page.

 Hannah Human Rights Organization 


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