Thalas Babajani / Detention and wounding of 2 citizens by Revolutionary Guards

Hana: On Saturday, February 5, 2022, two civilians were wounded and detained by Revolutionary Guards.

The identities of these citizens were "Maziar Azizi", the son of "Ahmad" and "Fereydoun Rahimi", the son of "Hossein" from the village of "Bani Nar" in the city of "Thalas Babajani".

According to reports received; The two citizens were shot in their car  between the village of "Sheikh Saleh" and the village of "Bani Nar" without prior notice and for unknown reasons by the Revolutionary Guards. One of the passengers, Maziar Azizi, was injured in the leg and was taken to medical facilities for medical treatment.
Fereydoun Rahimi was also arrested by Revolutionary Guards.


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