Statistics of human rights violations of women in Iranian Kurdistan during the year 1399 Iranian calendar

Statistics of human rights violations of women in Iranian Kurdistan during the year 1399 Iranian calendar

This report was prepared based on the statistics recorded by the Hana network and tried to prepare the most reports, but due to the police and security atmosphere in Iran and Kurdistan, it can be said with confidence that the real statistics are higher than this numbers.
In the New Year, the Hana Human Rights Organization will prepare a statistical report on human rights violations in the field of women in the past year and present it to human rights circles around the world.
The report addresses cases such as murder, detention, suicide, and harsh court sentences against women in Iran's four Kurdish provinces. The following report addresses the cases of arrests, summonses and sentencing of women in Kurdistan.
Total: 71 items as follows:
Violation of women's rights due to political activity, 20 cases, suicide, 10 cases, violation of women's rights due to civil activity, 8 cases, violation of women's rights due to religious activity, 5 case, social phenomena, 18 case, women's rights activists, 4 case, environmental activists, 3 case, execution, 1 case, child rights (murder), 1 case, war, 1 case, of the above As can be seen, the highest number of violations of the rights of female citizens related to the charge It is a political activity, in other words, it has accounted for %28.2 of the total cases in the past year, and the least cases are related to executions, children's rights and war, which are 1 cases each. Of all cases of human rights violations in the field of women in all regions of Kurdistan of Iran from March 21,2020 to March 21,2021, the highest number is related to the city of Kermanshah, 19.9% and in other words 11 cases,  the lowest number is related to the cities of Darrehshahr, Kangavar, Sahneh, Qorveh, Baneh, Naqadeh, Ilam and Dehloran each have one case.
According to the same statistics provided by the Hana Human Rights Organization, based on the classification of human rights violations by type; The highest number of cases was related to violations of women's rights due to political activity with 20 cases or 28.2 percent and executions, children's rights and war were the lowest with 1cases each  and 1.4 percent.
In the field of murder and homicide, the most cases were related to honor killings, which is 19 cases.

Hannah Human Rights Organization


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