On the Sunday night , February 7, 2021, Mansour Valipour, a citizen of Marivan, was released on bail from a security detention center in the city of Marivan.
The sources of this network in Marivan, in continuation of this report, announced: the above-mentioned person was temporarily released on a bail of 60 million Tomans.
The citizen was arrested on Friday, January 22, and our news sources reported that he had been tortured in detention.
In recent days, about 130 Kurdish citizens have been detained, some of whom have been released on bail or pledges.
According to the latest reports received in connection with the release of recent detainees, on Thursday, February 4, 2021, journalist Mahmoud Mahmoudi was temporarily released on a 200 million Toman bail.He is accused of having links with anti-regime channels.
Also, 3 other citizens from Ali Kand village of Bukan named as "Hamed, Ayub and Ayub Rasoulpour" were released on bail.
The release of these three citizen's from Bukan took place on Saturday, February 6, 2021.
On Sunday, February 7 2021, Amir Bayazidi Azar, a citizen of Mahabad, was released on bail.
Also on February 5, Sanandaj citizen Jamil Ahmadi was released on bail.