Hana: On Saturday, March 121, 2022, a Kurdish border porter known as Kolber was thrown from a Toyota car during a Kolberi and was severely injured in the hands and face.
According to a report sent by Hana's colleagues, the Kolber was transferred to a medical center in the Kurdistan Region for medical treatment after being injured and is currently hospitalized in the ICU.
The identity of this Kolber was "Mohammad Zahir Fathi", a 26-year-old from the village of "Hola Tamarkhan" in the city of "Thalas Babajani".
Also on Wednesday, March 9, 2022, another Kurdish Kolber was injured while Kolberi at the Nosud border.
The identity of this citizen, "Shapoor Ahmadi", a 29-year-old from the city of "Thalas Babajani", was mentioned.
It is reported that he fell from the heights of the border and was injured in the thigh and leg due to a chase by the Border Regiment during the chase on the Nosud border.
Kolberi is the phenomenon of poverty and unemployment of the People of Kurdistan, the people of Kurdistan are forced to turn to the high-risk phenomenon of Kolberi, but they are victims due to landmine explosions, cold, falling from heights, pressure and stress, firing of border guards and revolutionary guards or on the roads of Kurdistan, which are known as death points.