Security forces arrested three citizens in Oshnoyeh and Piranshahr

Hana’s colleagues reported the arrest of 3 Kurdish citizens in Piranshahr and Oshnoyeh by security forces.


According to this report; On Monday (August 16th), a Kurdish citizen from Oshnoye, identified as "Sardar Alani", was arrested by security forces in the city of Uromiah.
Also on the same day, another citizen, identified as "Ibrahim Alizadeh" from the village of Terkesh in Piranshahr, was arrested by security forces and taken to an unknown location. A day later, another citizen identified as "Salah Osmani" was arrested by Iranian security forces in the same city.

Salah Osmani was transferred to Naqda Central Prison on August 18, after three days of being unaccounted for, but the reason for the detention of three Kurdish citizens is not known to the Hana Human Rights Organization.


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