Hana: On Saturday May 15,2021, a 13-year-old girl from “Dar Shahr” in Ilam province was seriously injured due to an accident at a bakery.
She had an accident in the neck and spinal cord and was transported to Ilam.
The growing trend of working children in Iran is a wake-up call for society.
According to official labor force statistics, which are not expected to be true, there are approximately 17 million children between the ages of 6 and 19 working.
Employers generally hire a child worker because he or she is willing to work in more difficult conditions than an adult worker, but with lower wages and job security. Regardless of the circumstances and wages, the child-occupied job opportunity can be a job opportunity for an adult worker, so child employment can affect the adult unemployment rate.
In Iran, child labor under the age of 15 is a crime under Article 79 of the Labor Law and is prohibited.
However, according to the same labor law, adolescents between the ages of 15 and 18 can be employed in accordance with the provisions of Articles 80 to 84. In addition, according to Article 188 of the Labor Law, family workshops, ie the employment of a son and daughter for employers such as parents, is not prohibited even under the age of 15, and is prohibited only if the employer is a foreigner! Pursuant to Article 191, workshops with less than ten employees are exempt from certain articles of the Labor Law. However, this does not mean that children under the age of 15 are allowed to work in workshops for less than ten people. Lack of supervision over the implementation of labor laws and lack of job security are other problems of illegal child labor.