79 Kurdish citizens detained by security agencies in less than a month

On Tuesday, Iranian security forces arrested a Kurdish citizen, identified as Peshtivan Nabi Zargatan, and transferred him to a detention center in Oromia.
He is a law graduate of Payame Noor University in Piranshahr.


He was arrested without a court order near the village of Shinavi in ​​Sardasht.

News sources reported the arrest of two other citizens of Piranshahr on the same day.

The identities of the other two citizens, Rashid and Talib Reyhani, are from the village of Shawla.

According to the International Human Rights Network of Iranian Kurdistan, in the first month of 2021, 79 Kurdish citizens were detained by security forces in Iran, nin of whom were women.

It should be noted that only six of them were released on bail and accurate information on the other detainees is not available, and some of them were arrested with disrespect and beatings, all in violation of human rights law.


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