Animal abuse by Marivan Municipality

Hana: Soical-media users reported several animal abuse by the  Marivan Municipality.

According to the published reports, the Marivan Municipality has gathered a large number of stray dogs, which according to witnesses were more than 400 dogs, in one place, but due to lack of protection and care, only about forty dogs have survived and all are injured.

The videos published on Social Media in that regards has  reaction of the users of Social Media, and in a part of the opinion of one of the users with the identity of "AP", it was written: The dogs that Marivan Municipality has collected and imprisoned are more than four hundred dogs. It was much more, but now there are less than forty dogs left. What do you think happened to them ??? Know that all of them are starving to death and those who were lost were eaten by  the rest immediately. they ate each other alive.

Where in the world do poor animals eat their little puppies alive from starvation?
I witnessed him start eating his puppy from his feet, we arrived late and he died.
In the comment, another user with the identity of "Mahdi Khost" is mentioned:
Does the municipality know anything other than crime, theft and land grabbing?
When will the day be when the mayor himself is an animal protector and not an animal killer ?!


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