Kianoush Cheraghi was transferred to Ilam prison to serve the prison sentence

According to Hana’s colleagues: On Saturday, March 24, 2024, Kianoush Chiraghi, a 43-year-old citizen from Dehloran, was arrested after being summoned to the law enforcement branch of this city and was taken to Ilam prison to serve his sentence.

Earlier in October 2023, by the second branch of the Ilam Revolution Court located in Dehloran, presided over by Judge "Said Reza Salahedini" on the charge of "propaganda activity against the Islamic republic of Iran", Mr. Chiraghi was sentenced to one year imprisonment including the previous detention days and in the other part of his file, on November 6, 2023, on the charge of "publishing falsehoods with the intention of disturbing the public mind through computer systems", by Branch 101 of the Criminal Court of Dehloran, headed by Judge "Hossein Panahi", he was sentenced to two years in prison and to write two hundred pages of The will and research of ten people who died in the Iran-Iraq war by handwriting, which was approved by the Holy Defense Foundation of Ilam province.
Kianoush Chiraghi, a former employee of the Social Security Administration, was arrested by the security forces in Dehloran on October 3, 2024, and finally, after completing the interrogation, he was released on bail until the end of the proceedings.


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