Hana; In the past few days, “Ghaybparvar, the head of the Basij Organization for the Oppressed, coated from Khamenei; In a meeting with Basij officials, Khamenei stressed that to achieve our goal, 8 to 10 million young revolutionaries should be trained in the country.
The head of the Basij also said that the enemy could not separate the Basij from the clergy, and we demand that the clergy pay more attention to the plan of the righteous.
In this case, one of the people who considered himself a victim of the IRGC's policies to cultivate the Basij stated in an interview with the Hana human rights organization; Because I was excellent in school, I was noticed by the school authorities and, like my other friends, I was abused on various occasions while I was young and healthy and organized a mobilization in one of the cyber centers.
According to this person; The IRGC provided all the facilities to increase cyber accounts to increase the likes, comments and views of its content, and used us as a tool to promote the Cold War and praise the policies of the Islamic Republic.
He added that while the school is a place for education and the mosque is a place for worship and religious ceremonies, the Islamic Republic has turned the mosque and school into a place to spread hatred towards the international community and to build mobilization bases and places for the armed. especially teenagers and children, and this is a clear violation of human rights.